By proactively maintaining your building's roof, you can substantially extend its lifespan while preventing costly building and interior damage.
To ensure your property/asset retains and increases its value, it's imperative that the building envelope be secure to prevent water intrusion. Along with a host of headaches, lost revenue, and angry clients, water intrusion can cause structural damage to the building, interior damage, equipment damage, mold & mildew, potential fire hazards, and wasted energy.

Werner Maintenance & Documentation Program
The Werner Maintenance program includes a biannual scheduled inspection that covers 23 specific inspection points, complete photo documentation, a detailed written report for your records, and 24-hour storm monitoring; in the event of a storm, we will perform an immediate property inspection. In addition, we will determine all emergency repairs needed to mitigate further damage and prepare estimates for all repairs and/or replacements.
High-resolution images provide detailed documentation of the integrity and condition of your entire roof system. When storm damage occurs, you have irrefutable proof that your roof system was secure with no preexisting leaks or damage and your roof was in ideal condition pre-storm.
Without factual evidence, your five to seven-figure insurance claim could be denied.

What We're
Great At.
We extend the lifespan of your roof.
We ensure your roof warranty stays intact.
We pay meticulous attention to the details.
We follow through.
We eliminate unplanned expenses.